Moving right along...

You can't steer a parked car!

(I've been saying this to myself a lot this week!)

"If you want to become creative, you need to continually become a beginner."
 ~ Julieanne Kost

I got Photoshop cs6 for Christmas, this year.

LORDY! Just when I felt like I was really swinging along with Lightroom - I'm totally lost again. And, yet! I can't think of anything better to do than to challenge oneself and grow - to shake things up! It's just.... how many things DO you think one can learn in one day?!

Well, very deep thanks goes to Kim Klassen and her skinny-mini intro to Photoshop! My eyes were crossed when I first opened it up - complete panic! =P But she is very soothing and clear and helpful! Below, you will see an image that I may have completely ruined but.... well, I'm driving that car and moving forward!
(chuckle! =])

There's something else that I've been fiddling with... free lensing! Fun but hard! It kind of gives the feel that a lensbaby does.

I gave links to two very helpful tutorials on my new Facebook page...

it would be so fun if you would/could join me there!!! =]

This is from my first attempts at free lensing. I call it 'the french tea room' because, somehow, it reminds me of a tea room with a definitely gritty french flare that I went to, ages ago, in New York City.


Moving right along... =]
